James CookeJames Cooke

Posts tagged 'topic:testing'

Migrating Open Source projects on Travis CI to fix GitHub API limit problems

Open source maintainers can move their projects from travis-ci.org to travis-ci.com to get more reliable GitHub integration.

Travis hitting GitHub’s API limits for Open Source projects

GitHub’s API rate limits are hurting Travis CI’s service quality. What does this mean for the future of the GitHub ecosystem?

AAA Part 2: Extracting Arrange code to make fixtures

This post explores how to extract arrangement code when working with the Arrange Act Assert pattern so that it can be used with certainty across the test suite.

Arrange Act Assert pattern for Python developers

This post introduces the Arrange Act Assert pattern of testing and shows how it can be used in a Python context with Pytest.

Comparing Django Q Objects in Python 3 with pytest

An updated simple assertion helper for comparing instances of Django’s Q objects using pytest in Python 3.

Django Factory Audit

Exploring the various model instance factories available for Django. Each factory is tested based on the quality of the instances it creates. Bonus: talk version and slides also available.

Cleaner unit testing with the Arrange Act Assert pattern

My PyConUK 2016 talk about the AAA pattern for unit tests and how using it can help us all make our tests cleaner, easier to read and as Pythonic as possible.

Python unittest: assertTrue is truthy, assertFalse is falsy

Exploring Python’s unittest module boolean assert methods and how they can be misleading in certain situations, but not if you RTFM of course.

Comparing Django Q Objects

A super simple assertion helper for comparing instances of Django’s Q objects.

Current state of Codeship

For the last month I’ve been using Codeship for Continuous Integration on my current client project. These are my current thoughts on this hosted service that works with Github and BitBucket repositories.

Pyramid London talk - A testing strategy for Pyramid Applications

Talk at Pyramid London meetup about testing strategies for Pyramid applications.