In this post I will describe how code in tests’ Arrange blocks can become over-complicated, break the AAA pattern and benefit from extraction.
- This post is Part 2 of a series on the Arrange Act Assert pattern for Python developers. See Part 1 for an introduction to the pattern and outline of its constituent parts.
- When I mention “code extraction” I’m primarily referring to the Extract Method [1] of refactoring. Kent Beck’s book “Test Driven Development: By Example” really turned me on to the value in eliminating duplicated code between tests and between tests and the SUT [2].
- I’m using pytest in this example which means that fixtures are marked with the @pytest.fixture decorator. If you’re using unittest then you could extract the set up code into the TestCase.setUp method.
- If you can, perform Extract Method while your test suite is GREEN [3]. This means that you can be more assured that your refactoring has worked without errors.
- During my work I often build permission systems that manage access to resources such as files, accounts, projects, etc, based on the connection between Users and those resources. The example test below is from one of those projects. I often use Simpsons and Futurama characters in tests because I think it makes it easier to visualise the test conditions when characters are used that other programmers may be familiar with already.
The problem
I’ve found that this problem, which I call “Complicated Setup”, occurs as a test suite grows and the complexity of the tests on the outside of the code increases.
Tests will often need to combine a number of objects in increasingly complex states to build the SUT [2]. As a result, additional assertions are required before the Act block to ensure that the test conditions are correctly established. The problem with these additional assertions is that they break the AAA pattern because there should be no assertions in the Arrange block.
# Warning - this test does *not* fit the AAA pattern because it has
# assertions in the Arrange block.
def test_owner_invite_admin():
Leela can invite Bender to an additional Project, Fry is notified
Account Role | Project Role | Name
Owner | - | Leela
Admin | - | Fry
Viewer | Admin | Bender
# LEELA (and account)
account = AccountFactory(owner__first_name='Leela')
account_document = AccountDocument(account, default_database)
leela = account.owner
new_project = leela.create_project('new_project')
admin_membership = AccountMembershipFactory(
fry = admin_membership.person
project_data = ProjectMembershipFactory(
project_couchbase = project_data['project']
bender = project_data['person']
# Check
assert len(bender.accounts) == 1 # <
assert bender.accounts[0].owner == leela # < Assertions in Arrange
assert len(bender.projects) == 1 # <
assert bender.projects[0] != new_project # <
assert len(fry.messages) == 0 # <
result = leela.new_project.invite(bender)
assert result is True
assert len(fry.messages) == 1
Tests on the arrangement of the SUT will often be informed by the tests that are about to be carried out on it in the Act. Here I want to ensure that Fry is notified with a new message so it is important that after Arrange Fry has no messages waiting. But adding these assertions before the Act section means breaking AAA and this is a smell the test has grown too complex and should be cut down.
It is possible to use Extract Method to create a fixture that solves this issue and returns the test to pure AAA pattern. I’ve used a simplified example to illustrate how to solve this below. I’ve imagined a SUT class that must be called with some arrangement functions like arrange_a, arrange_b, etc.
If the example does not load for you, you can view it on speakerdeck.
Now applying this process to the Futurama account test above I get the following fixture with its own dedicated test and a much simpler test for the invite behaviour.
def account_members():
User: Leela - Account owner.
User: Fry - Admin.
User: Bender - Project admin.
Account Role | Project Role | Name
Owner | - | Leela
Admin | - | Fry
Viewer | Admin | Bender
# LEELA (and account)
account = AccountFactory(owner__first_name='Leela')
account_document = AccountDocument(account, default_database)
leela = account.owner
new_project = leela.create_project('new_project')
admin_membership = AccountMembershipFactory(
fry = admin_membership.person
project_data = ProjectMembershipFactory(
project_couchbase = project_data['project']
bender = project_data['person']
return leela, fry, bender
def test_account_members(account_members):
Fry has no pending messages and Bender is a member of the Account
result = account_members
assert len(result) == 3
leela, fry, bender = result
assert len(bender.accounts) == 1
assert bender.accounts[0].owner == leela
assert len(bender.projects) == 1
assert bender.projects[0] != new_project
assert len(fry.messages) == 0
def test_owner_invite_admin(account_members):
Leela can invite Bender to an additional Project, Fry is notified
leela, fry, bender = account_members
result = leela.new_project.invite(bender)
assert result is True
assert len(fry.messages) == 1
Even though this example is long winded, I hope you can see that the extraction of the set up code into its own fixture has simplified the tests and brought the code back into conformity with the AAA pattern.
Benefits of extraction
The result of the extraction process is a pair of tests with a single fixture. The tests fit the AAA pattern that I advocated in Part 1 of this series and the resulting code’s structure has a number of advantages for the future of the test suite:
Continued development on the fixture can happen using TDD [4] by adding new requirements to test_fixture() and then expanding the fixture to get back to GREEN.
The resulting fixture can be reused really easily. Permutations of different actions on a particular SUT can be easily tested without having to depend on our power of copy and paste and without creating more duplicated code.
If a situation arises in the future where the arrangement of the SUT needs to change in the fixture all the tests that use it might fail. However, the payoff for the additional failure of the fixture’s dedicated tests is that there is the opportunity to fix the problem in one place - the extracted code in the fixture.
On top of that, the fix can be performed using TDD because the fixture is already extracted and under test - a potential double win.
In this way the test suite remains dynamic, clear and able to adapt with the software it’s testing.
Should all fixtures have their own tests?
I’m often asked whether I think test fixtures should be tested. My answer is: “It depends”.
When the fixture was arrived at via “Complicated setup” then my answer is “yes”. As we’ve seen, the test_fixture() test remains to pin the fixture’s behaviour and assert that the SUT is in the expected state.
When the fixture has been extracted because of “Setup duplication” [5] there will be a fixture created that does not have its own explicit test. Instead, the fixture is tested implicitly by the two tests but does not have a dedicated test of its own.
For me this is an “OK” situation and if it turns out that the fixture should be adjusted then a fixture test can be created to facilitate that change under the usual RED, GREEN, REFACTOR cycle.
Check out flake8-aaa - a Flake8 plugin that makes it easier to write tests that follow the Arrange Act Assert pattern.
Happy testing!
Tiny glossary
[1] | Extract Method is a refactoring step defined here. |
[2] | (1, 2) System Under Test I’ve used this to mean the Unit under test, there is no implication around the size of the “system” or “unit”. |
[3] | GREEN is the name for the state when all tests in your suite pass. |
[4] | Test Driven Development. |
[5] | Setup duplication: My name for the situation where there are large chunks of Arrange code duplicated between tests. This topic warrants a follow-up post. |